Sunday, September 23, 2007

Unofficial First Blog

Alright, so this is the school-friendly-politically-correct-adhere-to-the-FCC-and-not-hurt-anyone's-feelings version of Derek's blog. I hope everyone loves it.

This is a completely seperate entity from my other alias, Rhymenoceros. Let me tell you about who I am when I'm the Hiphopopotamus.

"I'm the Hiphopopotamus
my lyrics are bottomless...
They call me the Hiphopopotamus
Got flows that glow like phosphorus
Poppin' off the top of this esophagus
Rockin' this metropolis
I'm not a large water dwelling mammal from Africa
Where'd you get that preposterous hypothesis?
Did Steve tell you that?
What's he got to do with it?
What kind of rapping name is Steve anyway?
(shakes fist) Steve..."

Now that that's settled. I can post my normal AP English-related blah blah blah and you can all read about what I think about that specific blah blah blah. I plan on having some very engaging blah blah blah about the blah blah we read. You know? Alright, I got real homework to do and people to talk to on MySpace so...I'll blog you later?

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