Friday, October 5, 2007

7 Guiding Questions for "Why The Future Doesn't Need Us"

Here is a compiled list of questions that should hopefully guide the class discussion on this reading.

  1. What were your reactions to the possibility of a continuous nano self-replication that ultimately destroys all species on Earth?
  2. What are some positive uses not mentioned in the article that you believe nanotechnology could be used for? Negative uses?
  3. Oppenheimer believed that the good of beating the Nazi's to the atomic weapon outweighed the dangers that came with the creation of it. Do you feel the same way about nanotechnology?
  4. Do you agree with any of the Luddites' fears about present and future techonology? Why or why not?
  5. Do you think warnings like this article would have stopped the development of robotics in Isaac Asimov's works?
  6. If given the opportunity to improve your life with the use of genetic engineering, nanotechnology, and robotics, would you take adavantage of these? Would you undergo a procedure to rid the genes in you that can cause Alzheimer's? Have an injection of nanobots to remove possible cysts or cancerous growths? Live with the assistance of a robot you name Jeeves?
  7. What do you see as the biggest ethical dillemma that comes with these life-changing advancements in technology?
  8. BONUS: If robots do end up taking over Humans in the future, why haven't we gone back in time to stop this mess by killing the creators of the robots/nanotech à la Terminator 2?

Let's hope these questions are thought-provoking.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.